Construction Begins on LDJ Turn Lane
Construction has begun on road safety improvements near the LDJ Manufacturing complex on Highway 163, outside of Pella.

In 2022, the project was approved through the USDA’s Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) grant program. The project aims to make entering and exiting the property safer for employees and visitors by constructing turn lanes and paving the median that connects the east and westbound lanes.
In addition to resolving safety concerns, the project will pave the way for future expansions – 45 additional full-time jobs are slated over the next three years due to this addition.
For the month of June, all employees and visitors to the LDJ complex will need to follow specific routes. More information below:
Entering LDJ travelling East: Drive past the traditional LDJ Manufacturing entrance and continue 1.2 miles East to 195th Ave. Enter this median to turn back West, or continue East and use Exit 40 (West side of Pella, 3.2 miles) to turn around and come back West.
Entering LDJ travelling West: Enter as usual. Exercise extra caution around the area.
Leaving LDJ travelling East: Exit LDJ turning West and travel to 180th Ave. median (.4 miles West of LDJ entrance). Enter this median to turn back east.
Leaving LDJ travelling West: Exit as usual. Exercise extra caution around the area.
Other notes:
This project includes lane closures leading up to and exiting LDJ – be aware of merging traffic.
US Highway 163 in this area tends to see much higher traffic volume from 3-6pm. If you have the option to pickup/deliver from 6am-2pm, please do so.
There may be certain days when LDJ Manufacturing is closed to inbound and outbound shipments. Contact the shipping department with any questions at 866-535-7667.